Monday, February 28, 2011

Gratitude and The Difference a Day Can Make.

Well, I'm happy to report that my back seems to be somewhat better this morning.
This is indeed a welcomed miracle, really.
Yesterday, after receiving a last minute Zen, holistic massage, I went home to take
it easy.
It was a tough day too, aching, unable to get myself comfortable...wondering what
this unexpected pain was going to mean in terms of my coming week and all the plans
I have on tap?
The fact that I am feeling better now, is further testimony to the fact that all things
are possible.
Thank you, Veronique.
Thank you God.
Thank you the powers that be.
I am more grateful than mere words can express.

I look forward to keeping a slightly altered version of my plans for today.
After my morning's meetings, I am hopeful that Dr. Romero will be able
to give me "an adjustment", thus insuring that I am well on my way back
to feeling normal within the next few days.

So my post today is all about gratitude.

It's about recognizing the signs and signals our bodies give us, as a warning
to slow down.

I remember too, not to take anything for granted.
Each day that we have, feeling good, is such a gift.
I am reminded too of a saying that goes something
like this..."we make plans and God laughs".

Fingers crossed, I will continue to improve and be able to maintain a
somewhat busy schedule. Ever mindful of the choices one has, each day,
each moment. I will be conscious of the decisions I make.
Remembering the consequences of overdoing it, I will proceed with

Wish me luck.

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