Sunday, May 8, 2011

Monday Morning Musings

Obama Marionette staring in

Pablo's Madonna in all her glory.
Silver foil, courtesy, me : )

Ahh, the 3 Clones.

The Artist himself.
PABLO CANO shaking hands
with Obama @the end of the

The girls.
Left to right,
Artist Evo Love,
Photographer Amanda Hudson,
Arts Enthusiast Myra Wexler,
Tai Chi Master, Healer and
Reader Extraordinaire
Stephanie Rosenblatt

Reflecting back on the last several days, I am once again reminded
how lucky I am.

I am at a time in my life, that is particularly good and I attribute
this to the wonderful friends I have.

Life is a journey.
Nothing original in that statement.
It is however, relevant and oh so true.

The journey continues to unfold, each and every day.
The doors that close, sometimes still astound me, but
the windows that open, are a reward in themselves.

Friday night I forced myself to get dressed and head out
to Coral Gables for a friends opening.
I was, so, not in the mood.

Luckily my motivation was increased somewhat because
I was dying to get my hands on new, larger, yo Momma
stickers that were ready, down in the Gables, as well.

Picking up my trusty Buddy in Art, Kerry McLaney
we proceeded on our adventure.

First stop, Miguel Rodez's new show @ Domingo
Padron Gallery on Ponce.

Walking into the Gallery and seeing the heavy chains
draped and hanging from the ceiling, my first thought
was, "whips and chains excite me", lyrics from Rhiana's
S+M song.

Upon future consideration and much discussion the
metaphor of freedom, became more clear.

Ah, the diaspora of The Cuban American and their
continued dialogue through Art.

Miguel's work is based on repeating interlocking
shapes. He uses paper, to create a very interesting
texture on his canvases, many of which have an
iridescent quality.

We then proceeded to pick up my new stickers.
Ta da!
They are 3x5" vs the first batch, which were 2x3".
Fabulous and just in the nick of time, as the original
run was about depleted.
After having a sensible meal @Swenson's, of all places,
we headed home.

Saturday morning was spent running errands up in this
end of down.

By 3:30PM I was @MOCA for the Premier of my dear
friend, Pablo Cano's new show, "The Seven Wonders
of the Modern World".

I was happy to find my invited guests had already

The charming, adorable sisters, Ella and Chloe,
8 and 6 yrs. old, respectively, their parents,
Peter and Hunter
and my precious, monthly, GNO (Girls Night Out),
buddy 4 yr. old Taylor, with her Mom, Kelly and
Grandmother Sandy.

This alone was enough to make my heart sing.
Having known their parents since 1972, when they
were the same age as their children are now, was a
beautiful thing in itself.

By 4PM we were all in our seats and the show began.

Run, do not walk and treat yourself to a feast for
the eyes, heart and soul.
An all together magical experience.

This is the 12th year that Pablo has produced a show
for MOCA.

Pablo's marionettes are all made from repurposed
materials, including the silver foil lining from my
cigarette packages, which I obsessively collect
and send to him.

Collaborating with Katherine Kramer, as choreographer
and playwright, Carmen Pelaez,
this show was off the charts.
I was moved to tears, at one point.

Running through May 29th, there are 5 more
performances scheduled.

Over 1500 Dade County Public School children
will get to experience this awe inspiring event.

Bravo to Pablo, to MOCA and it's Executive
Director, Bonnie Clearwater, who have provided
this venue for Pablo's creativity to flourish.

By 7PM I was @Ladder Gallery, downstairs
from my Studio, for the 3rd in the Guild Series

Then off to Evo Love and Romain Gateau's
home for a "Little Night in Haiti" dinner party.

There were 30 of us, all told and the evening
was sublime.

Yesterday, I celebrated Mother's Day @home
and was grateful for the quite down time.

This being the beginning of another week
I am looking forward to what will unfold.

The journey continues and time flies,
if you're having fun or not.

So do what I do, suit up and show up.

I'm telling you people, windows will
open and who doesn't need a breath
of fresh air?

Pass it forward.

Remember, monkey see,
monkey do.

Peace and love.

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